
Target pose estimation and reaching using supervised learning

This is an ongoing project whose main goal is to teach manipulation tasks to the robot by observing humans perform the tasks. This observation is fed to the robot in the form of image sequences or a video. In this post I will try to explain some of the preliminary implementation of one part of the project that is estimating the target position. Read more

Bipedal Walking Robot using Reinforcement Learning

Machine learning algorithms have found several applications in the field of robotics and control systems. The control systems community has started to show interest towards several machine learning algorithms from the sub-domains such as supervised learning, imitation learning and reinforcement learning to achieve autonomous control and intelligent decision making. Amongst many complex control problems, stable bipedal walking has been the most challenging problem. Read more

Autonomous Navigation of drones using Q-Learning

This project implements autonomous navigation of an ARDrone in Gazebo simulator. Q-Learning algorithm was used in a simple gridworld setting. The state space included the current coordinates of the drone. A reward of -1 was given upon not ending up in the goal state and a reward of +100 was awarded for reaching to the goal. Read more

Self Driving Car using Pygame - AI for Robotics, Udacity

This project develops on the assignment given in the Udacity’s course on Artificial Intelligence for Robotics by Sebastian Thrun. I wanted to build a GUI that could better illustrate the concepts in the course. I used pygame to build an application that demonstrates planning, navigation and control using concepts like A-star, particle filter, PID control, etc. Read more