(From archive.org, layout edited to fit)
(archived from WikiWikiWeb/WikiPedia, as told in Sanger's memoir)
(archived from archive.org)
Diderot and D'Alembert's Encyclopedie (1751) | Ward Cunningham's WikiWikiWeb (1994-5) |
(also see Rosenzweig 2006, Lih 2009, Reagle 2010, Niederer & van Dijck 2010, Ford 2014, Wadewitz 2014, Tkacz 2015)
(the php wiki, archived by John Abell)
(archived on archive.org)
(archived on archive.org)
(from a wikipedia-l discussion)
(from a wikipedia-l discussion)
(archived on archive.org)
Wikipedia article | Wikipedia talk page |